Jon Kotman

Founder at Kotman Technology

Jon started Kotman Technology as a high school student in Kalamazoo, Michigan. His mother would drive him around to clients’ homes to fix their computer problems. By the time he graduated high school, Jon had over 175 residential and small business clients.

When Jon moved back to Fresno in many ways it was like coming home. He had lived here once before and had some childhood friends still in the area. Jon went to Fresno State and began to lay the foundation for Kotman Technology in the Central Valley. While he was establishing roots here, Ryan Boender, a friend from high school was hired to run the Michigan side of things.

As Kotman Technology began to take off, Jon met a girl. A bike purchase, church friends, and a Cayucos trip later she said ‘yes’. Jon and Mandy worked in the business together in the early years. Kotman Technology moved from a house to sub-letting space from an attorney to landing at Bitwise.

At his core, Jon is a solver of difficult problems. When he is not at the office, you’ll find him buying tools (using them is optional), taking a family trip to the coast or watching DIY videos on YouTube. He is the fearless leader and visionary of Kotman Technology.


  • Founder

    Current role