Lagardère Travel Retail


One of the four divisions of the Lagardère group, Lagardère Travel Retail is a pioneering global leader in the travel retail industry.


Paris, France




Org chart

Dag Rasmussen's profile picture
Dag Rasmussen
Chairman & CEO
Profile photo

Dag Rasmussen

Marius Văcălău's profile picture
Marius Văcălău
CEO, Romania
Vincent Romet's profile picture
Vincent Romet
CEO, France & Luxembourg & COO, MEA & South East Asia
Lylian Vignau's profile picture
Lylian Vignau
Chief Commercial & Digital Officer
Lucio Rossetto's profile picture
Lucio Rossetto
Regional COO Europe
Luc Mansion's profile picture
Luc Mansion
Group CFO & Regional COO, Pacific
Jean-Baptiste Morin
Regional COO & Chief Talent & Organization Officer
Catherine Guyomard
Chief Human Resources Officer
Michael A.
Chief Financial Officer
Charlotte Delmas
Chief Operational Performance Officer & Regional COO, Europe
Bruno Gouisset
Executive Vice President Merchant
Stéphanie Page Theriez
EVP Concepts, Design & Construction
Alice Mazzoccoli
Executive Assistant To The Chairman And Chief Executive Officer
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