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Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC (“Lakeview”) is a uniquely qualified mortgage finance company dedicated to assisting our customers with efficient and affordable refinancing options. We have already helped thousands of customers to save hundreds of dollars each month by refinancing their mortgages. We... Read more


Coral Gables, US




Org chart

Phillip Hillian
Chief Executive Officer

Phillip Hillian

Brian Vanscoy
Senior Vice President, Mortgage Servicing Oversight/Transaction Management
Adam Chaney
SVP, National Sales Director
Donna Gross
Senior Vice President Operations
Donna Harkness
SVP - Capital Markets
Etienne Jouard
Vice President Transaction Management
Ginnye Lynn Cubel
VP of Marketing, RE Brokerage
Jo Ellen Cooney
VP Mortgage Optimization
Justin Tucker
Vice President, MSR Servicing Oversight & Asset Management
Martin Maraski
VP of Consumer Direct and Correspondent Underwriting
Mary Schroeder
Vice President Quality Assurance And Document Custodian Oversight
Tim Donohue
Senior Vice President Operations