The Art and Animation team at Larian Studios is responsible for creating visually stunning and immersive game environments, characters, and animations. This team of artists and animators, including specialists in 3D modeling, concept art, character design, and VFX, collaborates to bring the game's visual elements to life, ensuring a cohesive and captivating player experience. They work on everything from designing intricate game worlds and lifelike characters to developing dynamic animations and special effects that enhance gameplay.
Ahmed Wafdy
Senior Character Artist
Alex Van Ooteghem
Lead Animator
Ang Wei Jun
Senior 3D Animator
Artem Shapiro
Senior 3D Character Artist ( C...
Arthur Tan Hwa Meng
3D gameplay Animator
Bert Vanhengel
Intermediate Character Artist
Brodie Keall
Junior Environment Artist
Dan Armstrong
Senior Animator
Ricardo Ayasta
Animation Technical Director
benjamin ghys
Technical Artist
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