Damian Lismore

Damian has held a number of directorships and has extensive commercial, international and listed company experience (both ASX and NASDAQ), covering many industries including healthcare and technology. In his executive career, he held CEO, CFO and Company Secretarial roles and continues to act as an advisor to CEOs, boards and business owners.

With a background in M&A, licensing and business financing, Damian has a track record in helping businesses grow. Most recently he was CFO at Nexvet Biophama plc, which attracted significant US institutional backing and listed on NASDAQ in 2015. The business evolved to have research capabilities in Australia, clinical operations in USA and manufacturing operations in Ireland. In 2017, following the successful completion of clinical trials for its lead program the business was acquired by Zoetis Inc. Damian was also CFO at Biota and was instrumental in securing and managing major licences with global pharmaceutical companies and securing a major US grant that allowed the business to transition from the ASX to NASDAQ.