Learning Forward



Learning Forward shows you how to plan, implement, and measure high-quality professional learning so you and your team can achieve success with your system, your school, and your students. We are the only professional association devoted exclusively to those who work in educator professional develo... Read more





Org chart

Frederick Brown
President | CEO

Frederick Brown

Melinda George
Chief Policy Officer
Paul Fleming
Chief Learning Officer
Anthony Armstrong
Senior Vice President, Marketing & Communications
Elizabeth Foster
Senior Vice President, Research And Strategy
Michelle Bowman
Senior Vice President, Networks & Continuous Improvement
Sharron Helmke
Senior Vice President, Professional Services
Suzanne Bouffard
Senior Vice President, Communications And Publications
Anne Feaster - Smith
Vice President, Finance
Tim Taylor
Vice President, Operations & Applied Technology
Betty Brace
Bod, Past President
Suzanne Bouffard
Senior Vice President, Communications & Publications
Tom Manning
Senior Vice President Of Professional Services
Joel Reynolds
Senior Executive Assistant To CEO And Board Administrator
Judy Newhouse
Executive Director
Angie Frankenfield
President: Learning Forward Arizona Affiliate