Legacy Preparatory Charter Academy


Legacy Preparatory Charter Academy (LPCA) is a state-accredited open enrollment charter school district, with campuses in Dallas, Mesquite and Plano. We are currently enrolling grades K-9, with additional grades added every year until all K-12 grades are represented. Enrollment is open for ALL GRADE... Read more





Org chart

Rebecca Good

Josie Eatman
Senior Director - Operations & Programs
Staci Weaver
Superintendent (interim)
Agnes Quinones
Accounting Specialst
Alyssa Kelly
Dyslexia Teacher
Amelia Zambrano
School Counselor
Angela Trail
Special Education Teacher
Ashley Derrick
High School Mathematics Teacher
Brekke Kinney
Secondary ELAR Teacher
Brent Walker
Dual Credit CTE Technology Professor For Dallas College & Legacy Preparatory Charter Academy
Cassandra Lopez
CCMR Counselor
Elizabeth Hunter M.ed.
District ELAR Instructional Specialist
Jennifer Hoag
District Instructional Coach
Juan Amaya
Assistant Principal
Kristy Sender
School Counselor
Lora Campbell
Lyante Savala M.m.
Music Teacher
Maria Pereira
Kindergarten Teacher
Mary Kahama
Special Education Coordinator
Miguel Abreu Ed.d In Stem
Chemistry Teacher
Natasha Forge
College And Career Counselor
Nedra Lindsay
Technology Facilitator
Enmith Trejo
Community Liaison
Robert Summers
Math Teacher
Ronda Burns
Commercial Photography Educator
Shawni Pickens
Assistant Principal
Tad Desai
8th Grade Teacher
Valeria Killingsworth
Instructional Facilitator