

LenderworksTM, formally known as Lender Service Provider (LSP), is a provider of consulting and infrastructure outsourcing solutions for companies in the mortgage banking industry. We have combined access to industry-leading technology, innovative processes, and a team of seasoned mortgage experts t... Read more





Org chart

Alexandra Dackin Temple's profile picture
Alexandra Dackin Temple
Chief Executive Officer
Audrey Vanessa Norfleet's profile picture
Audrey Vanessa Norfleet
Interim Servicing Manager
Emily VanVliet's profile picture
Emily VanVliet
Quality Control Manager
Gina Glassmyer
Pre-Funding QC Auditor- Team Lead
James Pulker
Lock Desk Manager
Jane Gershman's profile picture
Jane Gershman
SVP Post Production, interim Servicing
Janet Solazzo
Director of Counterparty Relations
Kelsey Nolan's profile picture
Kelsey Nolan
Training Manager
Leah Lanier
Chief Growth Officer
Leslie Liebscher
VP - Secondary Marketing
ReAnna Hamrick
Post Closing Manager
Lu Dai
Accounting Project Manager and Financial Reporting Lead
Melissa Guzman
Staff Accountant
Victoria Fairchild
Senior Accountant
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