The Customer Service and Corporate Responsibility team at LG&E and KU Energy is dedicated to enhancing customer experiences and fostering community engagement. This team handles various functions including overseeing customer service operations, corporate social responsibility initiatives, community outreach, digital communications, and educational programs. They ensure that customers receive reliable support while promoting the company's commitment to social and environmental responsibility.
Ann Kalayil Abrams
Senior Communications Speciali...
Brian Haley
Operations Manager, Residentia...
Debra Leist
Director, Customer Service
Douglas Laura
Vice President Corporate Respo...
Emilee Crawford
Senior Brand & Advertising Spe...
Jennifer Minton Whel...
Senior Digital Communications ...
Mary Kate Gray
Manager Corporate Responsibili...
Robert McGonnell
Manager, Customer Service Busi...
Virginia Jones
Senior Product Marketing Speci...
Wendy Wagoner
Manager Education, Training & ...