Life Storage


Life Storage, Inc. is a publicly-traded company (NYSE: LSI) that owns and operates over 900 self-storage facilities in 31 states and in the province of Ontario, Canada. Life Storage is the 4th largest self-storage company in the U.S. and has led the industry in growth for the past few years.

Org chart

Joseph V. Saffire
CEO & Director

Joseph V. Saffire

Alex Gress' profile picture
Alex Gress
Chief Financial Officer
Rita Grandits
Director Of Customer Care
Steven Ciemcioch's profile picture
Steven Ciemcioch
Senior Vice President
Diane Piegza
Vice President, Corporate Communications & Community Affairs - Retired
Jeanette Jennings (Jeanie)'s profile picture
Jeanette Jennings (Jeanie)
HR Business Partner
Vince Toenjes
General Counsel