The Community Engagement and Advocacy team at Living Beyond Breast Cancer works to foster a deep sense of connection and support within the breast cancer community. They coordinate helplines and volunteer programs to provide personalized support, lead advocacy initiatives to amplify patient voices, and engage with specific populations, including young women and those with metastatic or triple-negative breast cancer, to ensure their unique needs are met. By facilitating community involvement and advocating for policy changes, they strive to improve the lives of those affected by breast cancer.
Betty M Sanchez
Breast Cancer Advocate
Dikla Benzeevi
Breast Cancer Helpline Match V...
Dionna Rodriguez
Hear My Voice Patient Advocate
Elissa Chandler
Hear My Voice Leadership Advoc...
Jade Lleonart Adler
Community Engagement Coordinat...
Laura Bowers
Young Advocate (2022-2023)
Lisa Black
Helpline And Volunteer Manager
Lynn Folkman
Manager Community Engagement
Tiffany Lovely Brown...
Patient Advocate