Amanda Qualls

Director of Human Resources at Location3

Amanda Qualls is the current Director of Human Resources at Location3. Amanda has previous experience working as an HR Connection Specialist at Envision Healthcare, a Recruiting Specialist at the University of Denver HR & Financial Shared Services, and a Career & Office Coordinator at the University of Denver. Amanda began their career in 2011 as a Faculty Support Assistant at Florida State University.

Amanda Qualls has a Master's degree in Human Resource Management and Development from the University of Denver. Amanda also has a Bachelor of Science in English Education from the University of South Florida. Amanda Qualls started their educational career with an Associate of Arts (AA) in General Studies from Florida College.

Amanda Qualls reports to Alex Porter, CEO. Some of their coworkers include Crystal Ware - Managing Director, Sarah Lich - Group Partner Director, and Tom Lynch - SVP of Growth & Innovation. A direct report to Amanda Qualls is and Amy Barroso - HR Coordinator & EA.


Previous companies

University of Denver logo
Florida State University logo


  • Director of Human Resources

    Current role

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