The Law Enforcement Roles team at the Lubbock Police Department is dedicated to maintaining public safety and upholding the law within the community. This diverse team consists of specialized positions such as detectives, patrol officers, and mental health peace officers, working collaboratively to investigate crimes, support victims, and respond to emergencies. Additionally, they focus on juvenile services, crisis intervention, and community outreach, ensuring a comprehensive approach to law enforcement that prioritizes both safety and support for Lubbock's residents.
Adam Freeman
Anthony Jackson
Police Sergeant, Field Service...
Anthony Pistoria
Police Sergeant
Colton Watkins
David Balderas
Police Officer
Jason Hancock
Police Sergeant - ICAC Task Fo...
Jason Lepage
Police Sergeant
Letisha R.
Juvenile Services Coordinator-...
Steve Barker
Special Investigator
Tom Mann
Special Investigator
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