Nichelle Stigger

Nichelle Stigger is a lung cancer survivor-advocate whose cancer journey began in 2016 when she was diagnosed with a rare form of lung cancer, mucinous adenocarcinoma, found in only 1% of cancer patients.

After two surgeries, including the removal of her left lobe and lymph nodes, she has been cancer-free since 2017. Nichelle has made it her fight to educate, facilitate, engage, and organize those in powerful positions to bring about change in the pursuit of equity for all.

Nichelle is an educator in Oak Park, IL, and, in addition to her passion for equality in cancer care, is an advocate for equality in education. She believes that knowledge can be a place of enlightenment, and she teaches her kids to practice leading with love in all interactions. Nichelle lives in Oak Park, IL, with her young son Parker and husband Aaron.