

ManekTech is leading mobile and software development company in the USA, Canada, india who offers the best Enterprise application solution for your business.


Ahmedabad, India




Org chart

Devubha Manek's profile picture
Devubha Manek
CEO & Managing Director
Profile photo

Devubha Manek

Milan Shah's profile picture
Milan Shah
Chief Technical Officer
Akeem Fyine's profile picture
Ruchir Pandya's profile picture
Ruchir Pandya
Delivery Head (head Of Open Source Web Technologies)
Ajay Ker
Head, Marketing Manager
Parvez Mankad
Creative Head
Niralee Mehta's profile picture
Niralee Mehta
Business Unit Head
Kiran Punjabi
Head Of Human Resources
Anuj Manek
Chief Technology Officer (cto)
Anandhan Mudhaliyar
Business Development
Bindu Jam
Business Strategic Partner
Yash Chotaliya
Business Development Executive
Yagnesh Pandya
Business Development Executive
Jay Rajyaguru
Business Development Executive
Pinakin Dave
Business Development Executive
Pooja Joshi
Business Development Executive
Nikhil Kumar
Mobile Department Head At Manektech
Yagnik Detroja
Technical Project Manager
Shivshankar Namdev
Team Lead/ Sr. Sofware Engineer
Amit Thakkar
Software Developer
Ankit Patel
Senior Web Developer
Ankit Shah
Sr Software Engineer
Bhargav Parmar
Software Engineer
Bhavesh Koladiya
Mobile Application Developer
Bhushan P.
Devops And Sysops Engineer
Chhaya Nakum
Android Developer
Chunilal Gamit
Sr.software Developer At Manektech Pvt. Ltd.
Darshan Dave
Sr. Software Engineer
Dhananjaysinh Manek
Web Developer
Dharmesh Rakholiya
Software Developer
Dipakkumar Patel
Sr.ios Developer
Faldu Keyur
Sr.ios Developer
Harsh Prajapati
Senior Frontend React Developer
Jayprakash Gajjar
Software Engineer
Jagrut Dave
Full Stack Engineer
Jalpesh Nakum
Software Engineer
Jambukiya Haresh
Software Engineer
Jayrajsinh Rana
Software Engineer
Kaushik Jadav
Game Developer
Keyur Prajapati
Sr. Software Engineer
Khushbu Radadiya
Senior Software Developer
Mahenk Vyas
Software Engineer
Maulik Dalsaniya
Senior PHP Developer
Meena Gupta
Software Engineer
Mohammed Faizan Shaikh
Senior Flutter Developer
Nagin Banodha
Software Engineer
Ninkal Munjani
Senior Software Engineer
Parth Dave
Team Lead
Parth Sanghvi
Sr. Software Engineer
Parth Shahu
Software Engineer
Patel Kaushik
Senior Software Developer
Prashant Ranpura
Software Engineer
Pratap Jam
Sr. Full Stack Developer
Priya Murliya
Sr. Software Engineer
Rahul Patel
Senior Software Engineer At Manektech
Rohan Darji
Flutter Developer
Sachin Singh
Full-stack Developer
Santosh Saha
Software Developer
Simran Koushal
Software Engineer
Swati Dhekane
Software Developer
Tirth Dhamsania
Software Developer
Uditsing Khati
Senior Software Engineer
Ujala Khasiya
Sr. Software Engineer

Board & advisors

Ramsinh Manek
Co-Founder & Director
Dilip Manek
Co-Founder & Director