Sander Caris

Procesbegeleider Digitale Geletterdheid at Meerderweert, primair onderwijs Weert en Nederweert

Sander Caris currently serves as Projectleider Onderwijs / Intermediair CMK at Kunstkwartier since February 2024 and has been a Leraar basisonderwijs and Procesbegeleider Digitale Geletterdheid at Meerderweert, primair onderwijs Weert en Nederweert since September 2012. In addition, Sander has held the position of ICT-coördinator at Basisschool Aan de Bron since September 2014. Sander is pursuing a Master in Onderwijswetenschappen (Learning sciences) at Open Universiteit, expected to complete in July 2024, following a Premaster in the same field. Sander also completed a Post-hbo opleiding as ICT-coördinator at Heutink ICT in 2016 and earned a degree from Fontys University of Applied Sciences from 2009 to 2012.


Weert, Netherlands

