Universidad Politécnica Metropolitana de Hidalgo

1 follower

Somos una universidad Bilingüe, Internacional y Sustentable (BIS), comprometida con la calidad educativa de nivel Superior, organismo descentralizado de la administración pública estatal creado por decreto gubernamental el 17 de noviembre de 2008.



Hgo., Mexico




Org chart

Edgar Isidro Cervantes
Head of Systems & Telecommunications
Hortencia Guzmán Bartolo
Head of School Services
Xóchitl Hernández Cureño
In charge of the Educational Program of Energy Engineering & Bioclimatic Architecture
Sergio Vergara Flores
Head of Evaluation & Statistics Department
Ivonne Acosta Hernández
Head of Legal Department
Samandta Valeria Espejel García
Head of Department of Material Resources
Maricela Sotuyo Andrade
Head of Medical Services
Dalila López Ávila
Head of Information Services
Humberto Hinojosa Hernández
Head of Gender Equity
Jennifer Quiroz Fragoso
Quality Department Manager
Soleil Rangel Jiménez
Head of Graduate Affairs
Rebeca Ramírez Delgadillo
Head of Communications
Elizabeth Hernández Ortíz
Head of Technological Services & Continuing Education
Odismar Dorantes Castillo
Head of Department, Infrastructure
Brenda García Reyes
Director of Liaison & Dissemination