Bankhaus Metzler


Metzler specializes in capital market services in the business areas: Asset Management, Capital Markets, Corporate Finance and Private Banking. The heart of the Metzler group is the Frankfurt-based bank B. Metzler seel. Sohn & Co. AG. Founded more than 345 years ago, it is the oldest private bank in... Read more

Org chart

Gerhard Wiesheu

Karsten Iltgen
Head Of Corporate Solutions
Edgar Walk
Chief Economist
Ulrich Trabert
Chief Information Security Officer
Nina Birke-Wiesheu /
Deputy President & CFO 代表取締役副社長 メッツラー・アセット・マネジメント株式会社
Oliver Schmidt
Chief Investment Officer
Elyaz Dust
Associate Director | Equity Sales Trading
Minush Nori
Head Of Fixed Income Sales
Patrizia Ribaudo
Executive In Transition
Andreas Blum
Head Of Governance, Risk & Compliance At Bankhaus Metzler