The Engineering team at MG Consultants (Pvt) Ltd (MGC) is responsible for providing comprehensive engineering support and expertise across a variety of large-scale infrastructure and development projects. This includes the design, supervision, and implementation of construction projects such as highways, bridges, and geotechnical structures, while ensuring environmental sustainability and compliance with relevant standards. The team consists of skilled professionals specializing in various engineering disciplines to ensure quality and efficiency from project inception to completion.
Bavatheeswaran Velau...
Assistant Resident Engineer
Darshana Navarathne
Assistant Resident Engineer
Dhanushka Senanayake...
Technical Officer (engineer Re...
Elayathamby Surendra
Assistant Resident Engineer
Erangi Kulathilaka
Project Engineer
Iranga Madushan Jaya...
Construction Engineer
K M Gunaratne
Environmental Specialist
Lisara Chanaka
Engineering Laboratory Technic...
Madhawa Hareendra
Construction Engineer
Murugesapillai Sutha...
Construction Engineer
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