Scott Cietek

Director, Commercial Sales & Leasing at Michael Saunders & Company

Hired in the fall of 2018 to be the Director of Commercial Real Estate and Property Management. Scott brings with him over 35 years of experience in commercial and residential lending, real estate, economic and community development. In this role, Scott oversee’s the day-to-day activities of his dedicated team of advisors and staff, whose expertise in all classes of commercial properties and property management spans the Gulf Coast region.

A native of upstate New York, Scott commands an extensive resume ranging from running a mortgage division for Source One Mortgage/Citigroup and serving as Vice President of Economic Development for Schenectady Metroplex Development Authority. Within that role, he was involved in site selection, SBA financing and governmental approvals for over $1.5B (8 million square feet) and helping small and large companies relocate or expand in the market area.

His passion for supporting his community's infrastructure via the growth of local enterprises also earned him a reputation as rainmaker when he held the Executive Director position at the County Incubator, continuously bringing in new opportunities and ultimately helping his hometown thrive. Professionally he values integrity, honesty and exceptional customer service, citing the Michael Saunders & Company values and culture as driving factors for his choice in relocating for his position.