Lisa Scott-Smith

Non-Executive Board Member at MillTechFX

Lisa has 30 years global markets' experience. The first half of her career was spent at JP Morgan and Credit Suisse specialising in institutional foreign exchange and derivative sales.

In 2005, Lisa moved to investment management, joining the Millennium Global Investments foreign exchange portfolio management team and her responsibilities expanded to encompass the management of the discretionary currency business. Lisa’s depth of experience includes product and business development, research, portfolio construction, governance and both financial and non-financial risk management.

From 2013, Lisa was invited by the Bank of England to represent the buy-side on their foreign exchange joint standing committee (FXJSC) and to chair a newly reconstituted buy-side sub-group. She also represented the UK buy-side community on the development of the FX Global Code of Conduct which was published in 2017 to promote good practice in the global foreign exchange market. Lisa has been a member of the 100 Women in Finance organisation, which seeks to empower women working in the finance industry to achieve their professional potential at every career stage.