John Draper

Director at Mission Hospice

John Draper has been working in ministry for over 30 years. John has served as a pastor, interim pastor, and director of missions. John is currently the director at Mission Hospice.

Draper began their career in ministry as a pastor at Calvary Baptist Church in 1986. John served there for five years before taking on the role of Missions Programs Director at the Mid South Baptist Association. John held that position for five years before becoming a Multi-Ethnic Catalytic Missionary with the Home Mission Board, SBC.

In 2014, Draper became a Church Planting Catalyst with the North American Mission Board. John served in that role for five years before taking on the Interim Pastor position at Winthrop Harbor First Baptist Church in 2019. John held that position for two years before taking on their current role as Director at Mission Hospice.

John Draper has a D. Min. from Gateway Baptist Theological Seminary in Missions Administration and a Master of Divinity from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Leadership. John also has certification from the North American Mission Board in NAMB Sending Church Training and from Interim Pastor Ministries in Interim Pastor Ministries Training.