The Academic Departments team at Mizoram University oversees the curriculum, research, and academic standards of various disciplines, ranging from Architecture to Environmental Science. Each department head is responsible for managing faculty, guiding students, and fostering academic excellence within their respective fields. Together, they collaborate to enhance educational offerings and contribute to the university's mission of providing quality higher education.
H. Malsawm
Head, Education
H. T. Lalremsanga
Head, Zoology
Himanshu Bhusan Rout
Head, Tourism & Hospitality Ma...
K. C. Lalthlamuani
Head of English Department
Kalidas Upadhyaya
Head, Forestry
Muthukumaran R.
Head, Chemistry
P. Rinawma
Head, Geography & Resource Man...
R. Chawngsangpui
Head, Information Technology
Tridip Kumar Hazarik...
Head, Horticulture, Aromatic &...
Vineet Shrivastava
Head, Department of Architectu...
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