Molibdenos y Metales SA


Molibdenos y Metales SA is a Chile-based holding company engaged in the treatment and processing of molybdenum and related products, which are used in a range of industrial activities. The Company offers Molybdenum- and Rhenium-based products to different industries, such as the iron and steel indus... Read more



San, Chile




Org chart

Profile photo

John Graell Moore

Claudia Avendaño Rozas' profile picture
Claudia Avendaño Rozas
Corporate VP of Compliance & Risk
Edgar Pape Arellano's profile picture
Edgar Pape Arellano
VP of Operations Americas
Godfried Van Schuylenbergh's profile picture
Godfried Van Schuylenbergh
VP of Operations Europe
Miguel Dunay Osses' profile picture
Miguel Dunay Osses
VP, Corporate & Legal Affairs
Gonzalo Concha Parada's profile picture
Gonzalo Concha Parada
VP, Engineering
María Inés Gómez González's profile picture
María Inés Gómez González
Corporate VP, People & Communications
Karlheinz Wex
Independent Director
Ricardo Araya Cereceda
Gerente General MolymetNos
Eduardo Riquelme Álamos
Gerente General Molynor
Alvaro Ponce Flores
R&d Researcher - Research, Development And Innovation VP
Rodrigo Ceballos Argo
Commercial Vice President
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