Meghan Barr

Senior Procurement Officer at Mountain Rose Herbs

Born and raised in coastal Massachusetts, Meghan’s love of nature started with the sea and a desire to identify each thing she found in the tide pools. She had wonderful environmental science teachers throughout her schooling who expanded her education beyond the tide pools, and these days she can’t pass by a new tree without the urge to identify it. Meghan oversees their Procurement Department, which works closely with their farms and other vendors to ensure a steady supply of high-quality herbs, teas, and spices are available. Meghan enjoys learning something new every day about the growing and harvesting techniques of all the botanicals they work with. Outside of work, you can find her doing anything crafty, from glass bead making, to sewing, to knitting. If she can create something, she’s happy. She has traveled to 10 different countries, where she happily consumes all of the local favorite dishes, shops for the strangest things she can find, and seeks out local art.

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