M.P. Evans Group


M.P. Evans Group PLC, through its subsidiary and associated undertakings, operates oil palm and rubber plantations in Indonesia, beef-cattle operations in Australia, and property development in West Malaysia. The Company's principal activity is the own...

Org chart

Luke Shaw's profile picture
Luke Shaw
Chief Financial Officer
K. Chandra Sekaran's profile picture
K. Chandra Sekaran
Executive Director, Asia. President director, PT Evans Indonesia
Gunasekaran Uthiradam's profile picture
Gunasekaran Uthiradam
Head of Agronomy, Sumatra, PT Evans Indonesia
Osde Simbolon's profile picture
Osde Simbolon
Head of Legal, PT Evans Indonesia
Arif Budiyono's profile picture
Arif Budiyono
Head of Engineering, PT Evans Indonesia
Aleksa Sihombing's profile picture
Aleksa Sihombing
Head of Tax, IT & Risk Management
Subramaniam Perumal's profile picture
Subramaniam Perumal
Head of Agronomy, East Kalimantan, PT Evans Indonesia
Muhammad Jamalludin
Sustainability & Certification
Iaanatul Choiriyah
Human Resources Manager
Lidia Situmorang
Procurement Assistant Manager
Muhammad Furqan Nasution
Senior Assistant Manager
Aflianisari Ainun Nabila
HR Assistant Manager

Board & advisors

Peter Hadsley-Chaplin
Executive Chairman
Bruce Tozer
Senior Independent Non-Executive Director
Michael Sherwin
Independent Non-Executive Director
Tanya Ashton
Independent Non-Executive Director
Lee Yuan Zhang
Non-Executive Director