Tiffannee Jones

Advisor at My New Red Shoes

Tiffannee Jones, Board Advisor, Solano County, is a Vallejo resident who thrived in Vallejo public schools. Tiffanee received her Bachelor's degree in Business Administration-Organizational Management and a minor in Education from Morris Brown College in Atlanta Georgia. She holds certifications in Dropout Prevention and Restorative Justice and Social Emotional Learning Certification. Jones began her career as a Correctional Officer then transitioned into Probation Officer and was instrumental in developing a cross-agency Juvenile Diversion Program that included County Probation, High Schools and the District Attorney’s Office in Gainesville Georgia. However, for the last 14 years, she has passionately served in the field of education in Northern California. She is currently an Academic Support Provider with the Vallejo City Unified School District and the Co-Director for the Willie B. Adkins Scholars Program formerly known as the Tanner Project. Her primary role has been to develop and implement early intervention programs to assist students who are not benefiting from a regular school program. She focuses on students who have a history of truancy, discipline, mental health/trauma, foster youth and homeless youth.

Miss Jones is civically engaged. She is a member of CSEA #199 (California School Employees Association), former appointed Senate District 3 Delegate for Senator Bill Dodd of California, former Executive Board Director of Community Democratic Club, and elected member of the Solano County Democratic Central Committee serving as Southern Vice Chair. She is a member of the California Democratic Parties African American Caucus, Children’s Caucus, LGBT Caucus, Progressive Caucus, Women’s Caucus, Labor Caucus and Chicano Caucus. She has co-sponsored CDP platform items Resolution 19-05.131: Ending Disenfranchisement in California and the CDP Criminal Justice Plank. She is a member of BWOPA (Black Women Organized for Political Action) Solano Napa Chapter and the Solano County Black Chamber of Commerce Executive Board. Tiffanee is a 2019 Emerge California Alumna, Napa Solano Central Labor Council Rising Star Awardee 2020, Solano County Central Democratic Central Committee Awardee for Labor Democrat 2019 and 2018 Legislative Fellow of the Political Training Institute (BAPAC Sacramento).

Miss Jones has received many awards and honorable mentions in the West Contra Costa Times, Oakland Tribune, Vallejo Times Herald, California Department of Education CSS Program Newsletter, KGO News 7 T.V. for school and community projects. Most recently Tiffanee and other community members created the winning map for the City of Vallejo District Elections. Tiffanee has dedicated time and resources to ensure that students and working families thrive no matter what their circumstances are. Her life’s work is to continue to send positive messages through their youth to the future.