The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is a civil rights organization in the United States, formed in 1909 as an interracial endeavor to advance justice for African Americans by a group including W E B Du Bois, Mary White Ovingt...




Org chart

Derrick Johnson
President & CEO

Derrick Johnson

Aba G. Blankson
Chief Marketing & Communications Officer
Junko Kobayashi
Interim CFO
Eris T. Sims
Chief of Staff
Kyle Bowser
SVP, NAACP Hollywood Bureau
Carmen Watkins
SVP, Membership Growth & Unit Sustainability
Jamal R. Watkins
SVP, Strategy & Advancement
Patrice Willoughby
Chief Of Policy And Legislative Affairs
Takiyah Jefferson
SVP, Executive Office
Bryan Williams
VP of People & Culture
Dominik Whitehead
VP, Campaigns
Gina Lawrence
VP, Event Services
Keisha Deonarine
Director, Opportunity, Race & Justice
Ivory Toldson
Director, Education Innovation & Research
P. Bianca Domally
Chief Financial Officer