Naoris Protocol


David Carvalho’s and Monika Oravcova’s inspiration to create Naoris Protocol came through a meeting with the former Head of NATO / OTAN Intelligence Committee Kjell Grandhagen, who stated that “We don’t need to play a better game against cyber-criminals, we need to play a different game”. His mot... Read more




Org chart

David Joao Vieira Carvalho
Chief Executive Officer and Chief Scientist

David Joao Vieira Carvalho

David H. Holtzman
Chief Strategy Officer
Guy Davies
Chief Marketing Officer
João Ferreira Santos
Head Of Compliance At Smartspyai
Lucas Bonnard
Head Of Business Development
Monica Oravcova
Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer
Scott MacAndrew CIM® FCSI®
Interim Chief of Finance
Sumit Chauhan
Chief Technology Officer
Vijayant Verma
Head of Data Science and Open Source