The Quality Measurement and Initiatives team at the National Quality Forum (NQF) is responsible for developing, endorsing, and implementing healthcare quality measures and improvement strategies. This team collaborates with healthcare stakeholders to identify emerging initiatives, manage quality programs, and ensure the effective operation and innovation of quality measurement systems. Through their work, they aim to reduce costs and enhance patient care across the healthcare system.
Amy Guo
Senior Manager, Emerging Initi...
Amy Nguyen Howell M....
Technical Expert Panelist FOR ...
Carolee Lantigua Mpa
Senior Manager, Quality Progra...
Chuck Amos
Senior Director - Quality Inno...
Debbie O.
Analyst Emerging Initiatives
Laura Blum Meisnere
Senior Director, Member Engage...
Liz Freedman
Sr. Director, Quality Measurem...
Monika Harvey Mba
Senior Project Manager - Emerg...
Msph Chanel Lee
Analyst, Quality Measurement
Simone F. Bernateau
Analyst, Emerging Initiatives ...
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