NBC Oklahoma


NBC Bank was organized by Walter B. Gover in Altus and chartered as a state bank on August 1, 1931. In November of 1933, NBC Bank became a National Bank under a federal charter. Under the leadership of Chairman C. Kendrick Fergeson and President and CEO H.K. Hatcher, NBC Bank expanded across the... Read more





Org chart

H K Hatcher
CEO and President

H K Hatcher

Christy Wall-Sanford
Senior Vice President, Treasury Services
Dennis Themer
Co Chief Lending Officer And Market President
Leigh-Anne Taylor
Executive Vice President/coo
Sheila Heim
Senior Vice President
Beverly Perri
Vice President
Jeff L. Wilcox
Vice President
Michelle Griffin
Senior Vice President Commercial Lending
Randall Goodwin
Market President
Ruthie Rials-Swezey
Vice President
Manny Lanzner
VP Internal Auditor
Marilyn Johnson
VP BSA Officer
Jessica Singleton
Compliance Assistant
Lorrie Blagg
Compliance Assistant
Samantha Hays
AVP Compliance Officer