Amaya Odilon Kosso (∆∞Ο)® aka Chief Odilon Kosso is a Cameroonian-American philosopher-polymath, Engineer, founder, Artist, and Chief.
He was the first to formulate a complete and consistent Equation of General Intelligence.
Amaya Odilon Kosso (∆∞Ο)® is also the co-founder of New Globe Utopia (∆∞Ο)®, Kosso Ngu Advisory (∆∞Ο)®, The Intelligence DAO (∆∞Ο), The Universal Journal Of Intelligence (UJOI), The Kosso Ngu School (∆∞Ο) and also serves as co-Chairman of the innovation management company The Kosso Ngu Group (∆∞Ο)®.