New Mexico National Guard

1 follower

In addition to fighting our nation's wars, members of the New Mexico National Guard have deployed to literally all over the globe performing federal missions. These missions have taken them to Cuba, Egypt, Kosovo and Kuwait - just to name a few. Our National Guard also has a long tradition of ser... Read more





Org chart

Major General Miguel Aguilar
Adjutant General for the State of New Mexico

Major General Miguel Aguilar

Jason Diamond
Security Manager
Hector Saillant
Training Manager
Bruce Ferguson
State Active Duty Emergency Preparedness Coordinator
Miguel Aguilar
Adjutant General
Anthony Ogas
Signal Support System Specialist
Jacquelyn Low
Signal Radio Specialist
Joaquin Marquez
New Mexico National Guard
Jose S.
Human Resources Specialist
Kelly Seyal
Deputy CFMO
Zack Freeman
Public Affairs Specialist