The Management and Coordination team at North London Collegiate School (Singapore) is responsible for the strategic oversight and operational efficiency of the school. This includes curriculum development, admissions processes, co-curricular programming, as well as the integration of technology and pastoral care. The team ensures the seamless running of both academic and extracurricular activities, fostering a holistic educational environment that aligns with NLCS's ethos of rigorous scholarship and outstanding pastoral care.
Daniela Salvador
Deputy Assistant Principal (ac...
Gerard Richards
Co-curriculum Manager
Kathryn Parratt
Founding JS English Coordinato...
Lauren Maguire-Wilki...
Deputy Assistant Principal (cu...
Michael Choong
Information Communication Tech...
Richard Busby
Head Of Politics Department
Sabrina Hussain
Admission Manager - NLCS Singa...
Suba Ramasamy
HR Manager
Vanessa Adamberry M....
Head Of Grade 2
Viveananth Krishna
Admissions Manager
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