North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network (NWMPHN)


North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network (NWMPHN) aims to strengthen primary health care and connect services across the health system. PHNs have been established with the key objectives of increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of medical services for patients, particularly those at... Read more



Parkville, AU




Org chart

Christopher Carter
Chief Executive

Christopher Carter

Daniel Morris
Analytics Implementation Lead
Stephanie C.
Population Health Analyst, Lead
Stephanie Caroll
Acting Manager, Mental Health And AOD
Paige Carter-Feltrin
Manager, Service And System Design
Kim Jacobs
Payroll Officer
Emma McKeown
Executive Director, Insight, Performance And Digital Services
Sevil Kaya
Communications Officer
Lauren Marshall
Human Resources Officer
Stephanie Destribats
Senior Procurement Officer
Alex Thomson
Program Officer Aboriginal Health
Carlia B.
Lead, Doctors In Secondary Schools (young People, Children And Families)
Elisa Panozzo
Program Officer - Primary Care Commissioning
Lewis Crisp
Program Support Officer
Choncy Shu
Program Officer, Aged Care Capability Building
Dhwani Patel
Project Officer: Digital Health Projects
Jovita Thomas
Program Officer
Juliet Fieldew
Program Officer, Integration
Madeline Ball
Project Officer- Strategic Projects
Madeline Leonard
Program Officer, Integration
Sonia Zahra
Digital Health Projects Program Officer