Northeast Iowa Community College-Calmar


Northeast Iowa Community College (NICC) is a public, tax-supported, two-year educational institution with two campuses in Calmar and Peosta, Iowa.




Org chart

Herbert Riedel

Jeffrey J. Murphy
Executive Dean of Communication, Humanities, Math & Social Science
Sarah Carlson
Dean of Nursing
Katie Gilbert
Dean of High School Partnerships
Michael Gau
Dean of Business, Graphic Design, Paralegal & Science
Bruce Bearinger
Dean of Agriculture, Animal Science & Transportation
Greg Moklestad
Dean of Advanced Manufacturing, Industrial Technology & Computer Science
Dave Dahms
VP of Finance & Administration
Wendy Mihm-Herold
VP of Business & Community Solutions BCS
Kathleen Nacos-Burds
VP of Learning & Student Success
Connie Kuennen
Executive Director of HR
Heather Groth
Executive Assistant to the President & Board Secretary

Board & advisors