The Cyber Security Team at NVISO Security is responsible for safeguarding clients against cyber threats through a combination of advanced security strategies, risk management, incident response, security testing, and digital forensics. Comprised of experts in various subfields, the team delivers comprehensive solutions to prevent, detect, and respond to complex security challenges, ensuring positive business outcomes for clients. Their approach emphasizes innovation, trust, and respect, aligning with the company's core values of Pride, Caring for people, and Breaking Barriers.
Andronikos Giachanat...
Junior Cyber Strategy & Archit...
Dries Boone
Senior Consultant
Elias Bout
Cyber Security Consultant
Frederik Meutermans
Senior Cyber Security Consulta...
Marc Salisbury
Full Stack Engineer / Senior C...
Maxime Thiebaut
Incident Response, Digital For...
Nikolaos Grigoropoul...
Cyber Security - Incident Read...
Noé Save
Cybersecurity Consultant
Rein Deroo
Senior Cyber Security Consulta...
Wiebe Willems
Senior Cyber Security Consulta...
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