Office of the Auditor General of Alberta


Who We Are We are an office of 150 people mandated by the Auditor General Act to examine and report publicly on the government of Alberta’s management of the public resources entrusted to it. The auditor general is the auditor of every ministry, department, regulated fund and most provincial agenc... Read more



Edmonton, Canada




Org chart

Doug Wylie
Auditor General

Doug Wylie

Christopher Michell-Viret
Chief Information Officer & Executive Director, Information & Related Technology
Sergii Panov
Legislative Audit Manager
Annie Chan
Audit Manager
Edna Wang Cpa, Cga
Audit Manager
Jeline Lee
Audit Manager
Kirstie Roehler
Audit Manager
Licette G.
Audit Manager
Nancy Wang Cpa, Ca
Audit Manager
Ca Scott Loder Cpa
Audit Manager
Theodore Kim
Audit Manager
Eric Leonty Ca Cpa, Icd.d
Assistant Auditor General
Daniel Navaratnam
Senior Staff Auditor
Yasmine Abbas
In Charge Legislative Auditor
Iris W.
Senior Legislative Auditor
Zackery Petruniak
Legislative Staff Auditor
Michael Krisa
Director Human Resources