Opportunity Bank of Montana


Opportunity Bank of Montana is a $1.8+ billion community bank with 31 full-service bank branches, offering mortgage, agriculture, and digital banking services. At our heart, we are a Montana community bank. We are part of each community we serve. We volunteer, donate, build, educate, and strive t... Read more

Org chart

Laura Clark
President and CEO

Laura Clark

Tom Mathews
Market President
Lisa Nelson
Assistant Vice President/consumer Loans
Kerisa Armstrong
Vp/corporate Financial Director
Cfmp® Ashley Kuehn
Vice President, Marketing And Communications Officer
Chantelle Nash
Senior Vice President, Chief Risk Officer & Chief Administrative Officer
Darryl Rensmon
Senior Vice President / Chief Operating Officer
Casey Balcerzak
VP | Director Of Information Systems And Technology
Mandy Allen
Vice President Director Of Information Security
Adam Engebrecht
Learning And Development Specialist
Mary Reynolds
Learning & Development Officer
Dustin Barber
Vp/senior Commercial Loan Officer
Garret Wagner
Vice President Commercial Loan Officer
Jolene Randall
VP Commercial Loan Officer