Frédéric Sanchez, born in 1960, is Chairman of the Fives Executive Board.
He started his career in 1985 with Renault in Mexico, then in the USA. In 1987, he became a Mission Manager at Ernst & Young. In 1990 he joined Fives-Lille group, in which he held various positions before being appointed Chief Financial officer in 1994 and becoming Chief Executive Officer in 1997. In 2002, the « Compagnie de Fives-Lille » (renamed Fives in 2007) became a company with a Management and Supervisory Board, chaired by Frédéric Sanchez. Under his leadership, Fives accelerated its development by re-organising into four divisions and strengthening its geographical footprint through major acquisitions and the opening of regional offices in Asia, Russia, Latin America and the Middle-East. Since 2002, Group sales tripled.
Mr Sanchez is President of MEDEF International and President of the Council of Entrepreneurs France-Vietnam, France-Cambodia and France-Saudi Arabia and UAE. Mr. Sanchez is also an independent member of the Supervisory Board of STMicroelectronics as well as a member of the Supervisory Board of Mirion, an administrator of Thea, Primagaz and Bureau Veritas and honorary co-president of the Alliance Industrie du Futur. Finally, he is the honorary co-President of Alliance Industrie du Future.
Mr Sanchez graduated from HEC Business School (1983), as well as Sciences-Po Paris (1985). He also holds a Master's Degree in Economics from Université Paris-Dauphine (1984). He is of French nationality.