Orbital Systems

1 follower

ORBITAL SYSTEMS is an award-winning clean-tech startup in Malmö, Sweden. Founder and CEO, Mehrdad Mahdjoubi, developed the world's most advanced shower system allowing up to 90% water savings and 80% energy savings while increasing comfort and hygiene. Inspired by an academic cooperation project wit... Read more


Malmö, Sweden




Org chart

Mehrdad Mahdjoubi's profile picture
Mehrdad Mahdjoubi
CEO & Founder
Profile photo

Mehrdad Mahdjoubi

Aydin Mahdjoubi's profile picture
Aydin Mahdjoubi
Operations Director
Björn L.'s profile picture
Björn L.
Executive Board Director
John Karlström's profile picture
John Karlström
Vice President, Intellectual Property
Madjid Mahdjoubi's profile picture
Madjid Mahdjoubi
Chief Digital Officer
Mårten Öbrink's profile picture
Mårten Öbrink
Executive Board Director
Mikael Nilsson
Vice President - Head of Development
Peter Bixe
Commercial Vice President