Ordnance Survey Ireland


Ordnance Survey Ireland is the Irish State's National Mapping Agency, essential to the infrastructural development of the country.


Dublin, Ireland




Org chart

Niamh McLoone's profile picture
Niamh McLoone
GM of Finance & Corporate Governance
Paul Kane's profile picture
Paul Kane
GM for Surveying, Remote Sensing & Geodesy
Hugh Mangan's profile picture
Hugh Mangan
Business & Marketing Manager
Fiona Farrell's profile picture
Fiona Farrell
Senior Surveying Manager
Jenn Quinn's profile picture
Jenn Quinn
Junior Developer
Michelle Jordan's profile picture
Michelle Jordan
Team Lead - Platforms And Products
John McEntegart's profile picture
John McEntegart
IT Manager
Kevin Thompson
Geospatial Services Data Governance & Quality Manager
Michael Graham
Height Modelling And Remote Sensing Specialist
Michael Moriarty
Level 3b Senior Technical Officer
Shelley Coe
GIS Specialist
Amanda Doran-Casey
Data Curator
Bernard McVerry
Geomatics Surveyor
Thomas Gilleran
Surveying And Remote Sensing
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