Ozarks Healthcare

1 follower

Ozarks Healthcare is a system of care encompassing a 114-bed acute care hospital, family medicine and specialty clinics, along with complete rehabilitation and home care services. We are a not-for-profit medical referral center with over 1,300 employees, serving an eight-county area in south-central... Read more

Org chart

Tom Keller
President and CEO

Tom Keller

John Wilcox's profile picture
John Wilcox
Chief Information Officer
Melody Hubbell's profile picture
Melody Hubbell
Director Of Marketing And Public Relations
William McGee's profile picture
William McGee
Chief Medical Officer
Mha Jacob Petrus' profile picture
Mha Jacob Petrus
Vice President Operations
Stacey Smith's profile picture
Stacey Smith
Finance Analyst
Tarah White's profile picture
Tarah White