William Cock

Trustee at P3 Charity

William qualified as a lawyer with Richards Butler (now Reed Smith) in London in 1992, before embarking on a career in legal recruitment. This has seen him running teams and setting up and managing recruitment businesses in Birmingham and London and he currently works as a Legal Headhunter in his own business. William is particularly motivated by helping people to achieve their full potential, improve themselves lead more fulfilled lives.

William has been a Freeman of the City of London and a member of The Leathersellers’ Company since 1988. He has for many years been involved in the company’s considerable philanthropic and charitable activities and works as a liaison between the company and some of the charities it supports.

He has a particular interest in working with charities that improve the lives and prospects of young people. He also takes an active role in the Leathersellers’ Student Grants Scheme which aims to support students, from across the UK, in real financial need and whose circumstances may be preventing their excellence from shining through.