The Academic Support and Development team at Pädagogische Hochschule Thurgau is dedicated to enhancing the quality of teacher education through research, training, and curriculum development. This team collaborates with faculty and staff to provide innovative educational resources, coordinate professional development initiatives, and support students in their academic journeys, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and excellence in teaching practice.
Antoinette von Masse...
Ausbildnerin Für Mediamatikeri...
Evelyne Fankhauser
Fachbereichsleiterin Medien Un...
Gerd Gimpel
Praxislehrperson PHTG
Iris Henseler Stierl...
Prorektorin Weiterbildung Und ...
Lisa-Marie Olbinski
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiteri...
Matthias Anderegg
Studiengangskoordinator Prorek...
Sonja Perren
Stefan Baum
Thierry Moser
Studium Lehrdiplom Sek II
Thomas Merz
Prorektor Forschung Und Wissen...
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