

Papula-Nevinpat is a 100% Finnish privately owned company founded in Finland in 1975. Today we serve hundreds of clients around the globe, ranging from Fortune 500 companies to startups. This makes us one of the largest trademark, design and patent agencies in Finland. Our head office is in Helsinki... Read more

Org chart

Markku Simmelvuo's profile picture
Markku Simmelvuo
Managing Director and Senior Partner at Papula-Nevinpat
Profile photo

Markku Simmelvuo

Marika Kojo's profile picture
Marika Kojo
Communications Manager
Niina Rouhiainen's profile picture
Tuomo Saarinen's profile picture
Tuomo Saarinen
IPR Specialist, Client Relations Coordinator
Aleksandr Belotcerkovskii's profile picture
Aleksandr Belotcerkovskii
European Patent Attorney, Head Of Local Agent Network
Anssi Tullila
Patent Attorney
Erik Viik
Patent Attorney
Irmeli Nokkanen
Design Attorney
Jukka Korhonen
Team Leader, European Patent Attorney
Jussi Mikkola
Partner European Trademark Attorney
Maaria Rantala
Patent Attorney
Matti Ylitalo
European Patent Attorney
Mikko Piironen
European Patent Attorney, Partner
Mikko Nissinen
European Patent Attorney
Riikka Palmos
Trade Mark Lawyer, Senior Partner
Sanna Virtanen
Patent Attorney
Satu Lehesranta
European Patent Attorney, Partner
Tomi Konkonen
European Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator, Team Leader ICT & Ele, Partner
Teemu Lang
Board Member, Chief Digital Officer
