Explore 2,504 companies in Finland
Nokia is a Finnish multinational communications corporation engaged in the manufacturing of mobile devices, and network infrastructure.
KONE, founded in 1910 and headquartered in Espoo near Helsinki, Finland, is an international engineering and service company employing some 55,000 personnel across 60 countries worldwide. As a global leader in the elevator and escalator industry, KONE provides elevators, escalators and automatic bui
Konecranes Oyj is a Finnish company, headquartered in Hyvinkää, which specialises in the manufacture and service of cranes and lifting equipment.
Etteplan provides engineering, technical documentation, embedded systems and IoT services to the world’s leading companies in the manufacturing industry.
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Suominen Oyj is a Finland-based company engaged in the production of hygiene paper products. It manufactures and supplies nonwoven roll goods for wipes, as well as for medical and hygiene products. After the divestiture in July 2014, the Company operates one business area, Nonwovens, which comprises
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Onego Bio is a cell ag company, specialized in animal-free egg white protein. We produce bioalbumen with an innovative precision fermentation process.
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The University of Oulu is one of the largest universities in Finland, located in the city of Oulu. It was founded on July 8, 1958.
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Lindström Group Textile service company Lindström strengthens the company image of its customers. Our services support the daily operations of customers, providing the best value on the market. Lindström is a responsible corporate citizen and a respected employer. Lindström is the employer of over
Eficode is a DevOps, software, automation, and design company with offices in Northern and Western Europe.
QPR Software's mission is to make customers agile and efficient in their operations. They innovate, develop, and sell software aimed at analyzing monitoring, and modeling operations in organizations.
Hintsa is the world’s leading, evidence-based coaching company, helping top athletes and business professionals achieve sustainable success. Driven by science and guided by people, our methods are road tested in the world’s most challenging business and sports environments. Formula 1 Champions, For
Oura is an award-winning wellness ring and app, designed to help you get more restful sleep and perform better. The independently validated science behind Oura and the design of the Oura ring make it the perfect companion for busy professionals, athletes and anyone who wants to get insights into the
Wolt is a technology company that makes it incredibly easy to discover, and get great food delivered. Wolt is based in Helsinki and operates in 23 countries and 129+ cities across EMEA, bringing together over 60,000 couriers and 30,000 restaurants.
3 Step IT helps you manage the finance, use and replacement of IT assets. We challenge the traditional models of acquiring IT equipment and IT investments.
Amer Sports (www.amersports.com) is a sporting goods company with internationally recognized brands including Salomon, Wilson, Atomic, Arc'teryx, Mavic, Suunto and Precor
Metso Oyj is a Finnish industrial machinery company focusing on providing technology and services for mining, aggregates, and oil and gas, recycling, pulp and paper and other process industries.
At Toughbyte we're changing the way companies and developers find each other. By having our own platform and a distributed team of recruiters, we're able to combine automation with a highly personalized service to both candidates and companies we work with. This, together with our culture of experim
Secure cloud access. SSH (Secure Shell) support. SSH key management.
F-Secure Corporation is a Finnish cyber security and privacy company based in Helsinki, Finland.
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Tekla software for construction, structural and civil engineering industry is produced by Trimble, a technology company with a vision of transforming the way the world works. Tekla solutions are used for realizing projects around the world, from housing and bridges to factories and skyscrapers.
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Epson on kansainvälinen teknologian edelläkävijä, joka panostaa voimakkaasti tuotekehitykseen ja toimii tulostuksen, visuaalisen viestinnän ja valmistuksen alueilla. Epsonin tuotevalikoimaan kuuluvat muun muassa mustesuihkutulostimet, tulostusjärjestelmät, 3LCD-projektorit, teollisuusrobotit, älylas
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Sanoma Media is the information service provider that provides an effective product for marketing communications to advertisers.
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yle.fi - oivalla jotain uutta. Uutisia, päivän puheenaiheita ja muut Ylen parhaat verkkosisällöt.
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Solar Water Solutions provides sustainable and economically efficient small-scale water purification products.
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Suomen Pankki on Suomen keskuspankki, kansallinen rahaviranomainen sekä Euroopan keskuspankkijärjestelmän ja eurojärjestelmän jäsen.
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Aaltoes - Aalto Entrepreneurship Society - is the home to wild ideas and doer-mentality. We are the most prominent and active student-run entrepreneurship society in Europe. We are committed to making anyone that walks through our doors become the best founder in the world. In Aaltoes you can can
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Orion is a globally operating Finnish pharmaceutical company – a builder of well-being. Orion develops, manufactures and markets human and veterinary pharmaceuticals and active pharmaceutical ingredients. The company is continuously developing new drugs and treatment methods. The core therapy areas
Finnair is the flag carrier and largest airline of Finland, with its headquarters in Vantaa on the grounds of Helsinki Airport, its hub.
Tietoevry Oyj is a Finnish IT software and service company providing IT and product engineering services.
Olemme nuorekas ja kasvava digitaalisen markkinoinnin toimisto. Luova tiimimme koostuu digitaalisen markkinoinnin ammattilaisista. Teemme laadukkaita ja helposti päivitettäviä kotisivuja. Toteutamme hakukonemainontaa, jonka avulla yritykset voivat tavoittaa näkyä oleellisissa kanavissa. Hoidamme
Picnic Group operates as a chain of cafes. Picnic Group is a popular Finnish café chain, with 42 locations based in the Helsinki metropolitan area, Rovaniemi, Tornio and Oulu.
Aro Yhtiöt -konserni on talotekniikka-alan asiantuntija- ja palveluyritys. Vuonna 2009 konsernin liikevaihto on noin 50 milj. euroa ja sen palveluksessa työskentelee n. 320 henkilöä. Aro Yhtiöt -konserniin kuuluvat Sähkö-Aro Oy, OVL Tekniikka Oy, Oulun Vesi ja Lämpö Oy sekä sijoitustoimintaa har
Worker on valtakunnallinen työelämän asiantuntija ja henkilöstöpalveluiden reilu kumppani. Meiltä löydät töitä ja työntekijöitä ammattitaidolla rakennus-, maarakennus- teollisuus-, logistiikka-, kiinteistö-, toimisto-, ICT-, sote-, ravintola- ja kaupan aloille. Palveluihimme kuuluvat henkilöstövuokr
Mendor, a company based in Finland, is committed to the design, development and marketing of advanced diabetes management products.
Lovia is a sustainable brand that creates artisan made accessories of high-quality leftover materials with 100 % transparency.
Brighterwave develops visible laser light sources and projectors to VR, AR, and mixed reality, and biomedical imaging applications.
Helsingin NMKY (Nuorten Miesten Kristillinen Yhdistys) On perustettu vuonna 1889. Sen perustajajäseniä olivat mm. Sakari Topelius ja Arthur Hjelt. Helsingin NMKY tunnetaan työstään nuorisotyön uranuurtajana. Helsingin NMKY on ollut käynnistämässä merkittäviä työmuotoja historiansa aikana. Näistä tun
Flowa helps leading-edge organizations create magnificence by providing them human-centered methods of collaboration as well as breakthrough technologies. We will make your digital business blossom! We are knowledge work and software professionals with much to offer. We make organizations better b
Saat meiltä sähköä edullisesti kaikkialle Suomeen sekä kaukolämpöä ja kaukojäähdytystä Helsinkiin. Haluamme tarjota sinulle maailman parasta kaupunkienergiaa. Sähkön, lämmön ja jäähdytyksen yhteistuotantomme on palkittu maailman tehokkaimpana kaupunkienergiaratkaisuna.
Ressun Nuorsuomalaisen Klubin toiminnan keskiössä on ajankohtaisista asioista keskusteleminen ja uusien asioiden oppiminen yhdessä muiden klubilaisten kanssa. Tämä saavutetaan aktiivisella ja monipuolisella toiminnalla, sekä toimivalla ryhmädynamiikalla koulumme toimitiloissa. Toimintamme kulmakivik
TiliKonsilo Oy is a company based out of Satamatie 37, Akaa, 11, Finland.
Loikka Solutions on satoja projekteja tehnyt, virallinen Salesforce-kumppani. Tärkein tavoitteemme on rakentaa Salesforcen toiminnot palvelemaan yritystäsi niin että liiketoiminta kasvaa, asiakkaasi ovat tyytyväisempiä ja työntekijäsi onnellisempia. Autamme yritystäsi Salesforcen käytössä kokonaisva
Päijät-Hämeessä sijaitsevan Hollolan visiona on olla juureva ja paras kotikunta, jossa voi monipuolisesti asua, harrastaa, tehdä työtä, yrittää ja toimia osana yhteisöä.
Andiata - Sustainable fashion from the Nordics Finnish design house Andiata is rooted in Helsinki Finland, where the brand was founded in 1986 by Tarja Rantanen, who still operates as the head designer and CEO of the brand. Andiata is known for its impeccable tailoring and attention to detail, mix
ITsupportUkraine.fi is a NGO network of ICT professionals collecting device donations from Finnish companies – to support Ukraine’s defense. We securely deliver the devices to defenders, helping protect lives and Europe’s future. Donate: www.itsupportukraine.fi These kind of devices are needed: its