Eduardo Cintra Santos

President at Petroreconcavo S.A.

Eduardo Cintra Santos holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from UNIFACS Business School in Bahia and Executive MBA from Fundação do Cabral. He is a Director of Perbras – Empresa Brasileira de Perfurações Ltda, a company specialized in the operation of onshore production rigs and the provision of various services related to the operation of oil and natural gas fields, where he joined in 2007 and has been active since then. Between 2005 and 2007 worked as a trainee and later as an administrator at FAVAB, Fábrica de Vaselina da Bahia – Company that operates in the manufacture and marketing for all Brazil of various types of vaseline and paraffin.

Mr. Eduardo Cintra Santos Filho declared for all legal purposes that, in the last 5 years, he was not subject to the effects of any criminal conviction, any conviction or application of penalty in administrative proceedings before CVM (Securities and Exchange Commission) or any final and unappealable conviction, in the judicial or administrative scope, which would have the effect of suspending or disqualifying him from practicing any professional or commercial activity. Additionally, Mr. Eduardo Cintra Santos Filho declares that he is not considered a Politically Exposed Person under the terms of applicable regulations.


  • President

    Current role