Varda Liberman

Director at Plus500

Prof. Liberman is an international renowned expert in the field of decision-making and behavioural economics. In this capacity, she provides consulting and workshops in key elements of managerial decision-making and risk management to senior managements of organisations across a range of sectors, including healthcare, banking, investment, technology, the judicial system and the Israeli Defence Forces.

Prof. Liberman is the Rector of Reichman University (IDC Herzliya) in Israel, and one of its founders and leaders. She is a professor at the business school, a visiting researcher at Stanford University, and the author of several books and many scientific articles. Over the years, she has held a variety of managerial positions at the Reichman University, among them, heading the mathematics and statistics studies, leading the decision-making area in the business school, and founding and heading the MBA programme in Healthcare Innovation.

Prof. Liberman holds a B.Sc. in Mathematics and Statistics, an M.Sc. in Mathematics and a Ph.D. in Mathematics, all from Tel Aviv University.