Polycab Wires Pvt. Ltd.

1 follower

With its innovative technology and superior quality, Polycab has grown to become a leading brand which offers advanced electrical house wiring solutions.


Mumbai, India




Org chart

Inder T Jaisinghani
Chairman & MD

Inder T Jaisinghani

Gandharv Tongia
Executive Director & CFO
Ashish D. Jain
Executive President & Chief Operating Officer, Telecom Business
Sanjeev Chhabra
Executive President & Chief Treasury Officer
Anil Shipley
Executive President, Strategic Projects, Electricals and Electronics
Bhushan Sawhney
Executive President & Chief Business Officer, LDC & HDC
Anurag Agarwal
Executive President, Strategic Initiatives & New Businesses
Ishwinder Singh Khurana
Executive President & Chief Business Officer, Power BU
Rishikesh Rajurkar
President, Projects
Diwaker Bharadwaj
President, Packaging Development
Anil Hariani
Director, Commodities
Manita Carmen A. Gonsalves
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
Rajashekhar Reddy
Vice President Marketing
Amit Raina
Senior General Manager Demand Generation And Influencer Management
Rashmikant Mehta
Head Of Procurement
Aayesha Killedar
Deputy Manager SCM Planner
Niharendu Sharma Sarkar
Executive Vice President